Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Each month so far we have memorized a new poem.  This is a new addition to our home educating journey so each monthly poem has actually been entitled for that particular month, so far.  I think poetry is a greatly over looked part of a well rounded education.  Not only does it help with memory and memorization skills but also recitation, public speaking, proper annunciation and articulation, as well as various writing devices, recognition and use of rhyme schemes.  

Poetry memorization has been a surprisingly lovely part of our daily routine.

Still the garden blossoms bravely,
     Though the Year is nearly done,
Fresh chrysanthemums are shining
     In the pale and wintry sun.

Such a number of bright colors
     Make the beds and borders plain,
We believe the summer roses
     Must have all come back again.

Now's the time when great plantations
     Must be planted, oak and fir,
Beech and elm, and towering poplar
     That the wandering night-winds stir

And the time when treasured fruit-stones,
     In the summer stored away,
Must be set, that spreading orchards
     May grow up another day.

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