Friday, April 3, 2015

Still here, still thankful...

446. My 10 year old car.
447. Knott's Berry Farm annual passes.
448. The Knott's meal plan.
449. Learning to cook.
450. Non-picky clients.
451. Humorous kids.
452. Surprises.
453. Keeping a secret.
454. A job that I love.
456. A boss I admire and respect.
457. Faithful friends.
458. Good Fridays.
459. Free work outs at the park.
460. Friday hike days.
461. Walking partners.
462. Monday walk days.
463. Art classes for the ktbunch.
464. Patience.
465. Having communication as a strength.
466. Health insurance.
467. National parks.
468. Adventure parking pass.
469. Good health.
470. 10lb dumb bells.
471. Unlimited text.
472. Strawberry cream greek yogurt.
473. Memories that make me cry laughing.
474. Community.
475. A job that makes a difference.


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